A fever is when your body temperature rises above the normal range as a response to an infection or illness. It's your body's way of fighting off invaders. While mild fevers are often harmless and manageable at home, there are times when they become concerning. If your child is under 3 months and has a fever above 100.4°F (38°C) or any age child that exhibits other worrisome signs like difficulty breathing, severe headache, or persistent vomiting, it's crucial to seek medical attention promptly.

Watch for signs of dehydration, such as reduced urination or excessive thirst, as these can accompany a fever and may indicate a need for medical intervention. If your child appears lethargic, unusually irritable, or if the fever persists for more than a few days, it's advisable to contact Child and Adolescent Health Specialists in Cohasset, MA. Our healthcare professionals specialize in understanding the unique needs of young patients.

Trust your instincts as a parent. If something doesn't seem right, don't hesitate to contact our office for guidance. Child and Adolescent Health Specialists can provide the expertise needed to ensure your child receives the best care, helping them recover swiftly and ensuring their well-being.

How a Pediatrician Can Treat Your Child's Fever

A pediatrician addresses a child's fever with a thoughtful and compassionate approach. First and foremost, they conduct a thorough examination to identify the underlying cause. They will provide gentle and reassuring communication, to ensure both the child and parents feel at ease with the plan of care.

A pediatrician will prescribe prescription medications tailored to the child's age and condition when appropriate, and will advise on over-the-counter medications to help manage the fever and other symptoms at home. Your pediatrician will emphasize the significance of proper hydration, encouraging parents to give them fluids like water, electrolyte solutions, or popsicles to prevent dehydration.

Our pediatricians in Cohasset, MA will educate parents on monitoring the child's temperature and recognizing warning signs that may necessitate immediate medical attention. Their guidance extends beyond medical prescriptions, incorporating a holistic approach that considers the child's wellness.

Schedule Your Visit With Child & Adolescent Health Services

Seek immediate medical attention for infants under three months with a fever above 100.4°F (38°C). Trust your instincts – if you're worried about your child's well-being, don't hesitate to consult their pediatrician promptly to ensure timely and appropriate care.

If your child has a fever above 104 F for any age, looks very ill, is unusually drowsy, or is very fussy, or if your child is experiencing additional concerning symptoms like difficulty breathing persistent vomiting, or severe pain, call us for an appointment.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided.

If your child is between 3 months and 3 years and has a fever over 102 F, or any age if not improving after 3 days, consult our pediatricians in Cohasset, MA for an appointment.

Swift action ensures accurate diagnosis and appropriate care, safeguarding your child's health and providing them the comfort they need to bounce back quickly. To book an appointment with Child and Adolescent Health Specialists, call (781) 383-8380.


Office Hours

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8:00 am - 5:30 pm
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8:00 am - 12:00 pm