What to Know About Respiratory Illness in Children

If your child develops a respiratory illness, breathing difficulties can be scary. It’s nice to know your pediatrician can help your child feel better. The pediatricians at Child & Adolescent Health Specialists in Cohasset, MA, provide comprehensive medical services for children, including diagnosis and treatment of respiratory illnesses.

Childhood Respiratory Illnesses

First, let’s look at how you can help prevent respiratory illness. One of the most effective and easiest ways to prevent illness is to make sure your child is vaccinated against COVID, flu, and other contagious diseases. Your pediatrician can administer vaccinations at your child’s routine well-visit appointments.

Other ways to prevent transmission of viruses include:

  • Teaching your child about frequent hand washing
  • Talking with your child about avoiding touching their face with their hands
  • Make sure your child eats a healthy diet and gets plenty of rest to build a strong immune system
  • Keeping your child away from sick children and adults

Signs and symptoms of respiratory illnesses your child may experience include:

  • A fever that doesn’t resolve
  • A runny nose
  • Coughing, sneezing, or wheezing
  • Decreased appetite

If you notice any of the signs or symptoms listed above, you can try a few simple home remedies to help your child feel better. You can:

  • You can give your child either acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin) to help them feel more comfortable if they have a fever or feels achy
  • Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids and gets enough rest
  • Keep your child out of school until your child feels better

Many respiratory illnesses clear up on their own, however, you should visit the pediatrician if your child is still sick after 4 to 6 days, or if your child has:

  • Any signs of respiratory distress including fast breathing, wheezing, or in infants or toddlers grunting/barking, nose flaring or retracting around the ribs
  • A fever lasting longer than 2 days
  • A fever over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit for children under 3 months
  • A fever goes above 104 F for any age children

COVID, RSV, pneumonia, and other respiratory illnesses can cause breathing difficulties, headaches, fatigue, and other unpleasant symptoms. If you are unsure about whether your child needs the care of a pediatrician, play it safe. Call your pediatrician for help.

Want To Know More?

To find out more about the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of respiratory illnesses in children, talk with the experts. Call the pediatricians at Child & Adolescent Health Specialists in Cohasset, MA. You can reach them in the office by calling (781) 383-8380, so call today.


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