If you are considering breastfeeding your baby you may already be aware of the many benefits of doing so, but it's also important to consider the possible challenges. To help address these a lactation consultation with your Cohasset, MA, health professionals may provide you with the answers you seek. You can learn more about these by reaching out to Child & Adolescent Health Specialists.

What Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a natural way for mothers to bond with infants to bond and for them to get all the nutrition they'll need for the first few months of their lives. There are other benefits to breastfeeding, and although not everyone can or wants to breastfeed, if it is something you can and want to pursue, then speak with our doctor about a lactation consultation.

What if Breastfeeding Doesn’t Come Naturally?

Many mothers have difficulties with breastfeeding. It's important to remember that there is nothing wrong if the process doesn't come naturally, it is a skill that can be taught and learned with practice and by getting the right pointers, this is where a lactation consultation helps.

What Are Some Common Breastfeeding Difficulties?

You may want to consider a lactation consultation if you're having difficulties with the process, common issues include trouble latching, painful latching, breast pain, infection, refusal to take the breast, fussiness, poor weight gain, or if you have a baby with special needs.

What to Expect During a Lactation Consultation?

During the visit, a physician or instructor will watch how you normally breastfeed and offer instruction, and correct any potential issues. You can expect to cover just about every aspect of breastfeeding during this meeting, and you can ask questions yourself and bring up any concerns you might have.

Remember that it takes time and practice to get it right, so any instructions you receive during the meeting you will also get in writing, but be sure to call if anything comes up or needs to be clarified.

Lactation Consultation in Cohasset, MA

If you are interested in a lactation consultation in or near the area of Cohasset, MA, you can schedule a visit with your professionals at Child & Adolescent Health Specialists by dialing (781) 383-8380.


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